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Eastbury Community School

Superkind - Social Impact


'SuperKind has been designed to help teachers integrate active citizenship and charity within the wider curriculum and their classrooms. It’s never been more important to teach children agency, empathy and the other values that come from civic engagement. SuperKind is built around personal character development and active citizenship.' 

All our children have began to work at understanding the impact their actions can have on the society around them. By starting the Superkind initiative, children are becoming aware of what actions they could take to make them a good citizen, to make them aware of their local community and to understand that what they do on a day to day basis affects those around them.

Each child, has the opportunity to collect Superkind badges within their classrooms for actions that they do both inside and outside of school. Below are some ideas of the type of actions children can be recognised for.

example social actions 1 .pdf

For more information please go to
