Careers & Pathways
Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) at Eastbury Community School is incorporated into all key stages and year groups to support students in navigating the different pathways available to them. CEIAG is delivered and provided impartially and equips young people with the skills and knowledge they need, to understand the changing world of education and employment. We support and empower our students in making informed choices taking into account their personal abilities, needs and preferences. We actively promote equality of opportunity and challenge stereotypes to remove barriers, and help students realise their potential.
Our aim is to nurture and guide our students beyond their studies and give them effective support to begin their professional careers and join the wider world. Our careers programme for Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form includes:
- Exploring different career sectors and pathways
- Raising student aspirations
- Challenging stereotypes linked to certain jobs
- Offering one to one careers guidance by an external careers adviser
- Developing core employability skills
- Preparation for interviews
- Work placement opportunities
- Labour Market Information
- Exploring further and higher education options
- Looking at alternatives to university and A-Levels such as apprenticeships, T Levels and other vocational and technical qualifications and courses
We seek to achieve the Gatsby Benchmarks in order to maintain a stable careers programme. This can be found in our schools careers policy, which also includes more information on our careers programme for each key stage.
Ferdausi Rahman - Head of Careers
Telephone: 020 8507 4500
We believe that parents, carers and guardians play an important part in career and education choices of young people. You will be updated on the CEIAG your child receives through letters home, the school newsletter, during open evenings and parents evenings.
Here are some links that you may find useful:
- Careers Advice for Parents | Youth Employment UK – Guidance on how you can speak to your child about careers education, training and work
- Information For Parents | icould - Outlines the options open at each stage, and features information to help inform your child’s decision-making
- What is LMI? | iCould – Guidance on how Labour Market Information (LMI) can help students make career decisions
- Family Home Learning | Barclay LifeSkills - Tools, tips and activities to help your family build money and employability skills for their future
- Next Steps Guide for Year 11 – Information on Post-16 options
- A parent’s guide to apprenticeships | GOV.UK - Information on apprenticeships, benefits of apprenticeships, salary, entry requirements and how to apply
- Introduction of T Levels | GOV.UK – Information on T Levels, how they work with other qualifications and the structure of T Levels
- Parental Guidance | Careers Writers Association – This website guides you through the maze of options available to your child, with useful articles, news and updates on careers education
- Help for Parents of Children and Young People with Special Needs | Careers Writers Association – Guidance and information on EHCP. Signposts some of the national organisations that can offer help with the transition from school into further and higher education including universities, training and employment.
- Advice For Parents And Guardians | UCAS - Parent guide to university, including information on how to apply for uni, tuition fees, living costs, financial support etc.
- Year 9 Options Booklet – Information on GCSE options offered at Eastbury
In addition to the careers education you receive in school, here are some useful links and information for you to explore:
- National Careers Service - Over 800 job profiles telling you what a job involves and how to get into it. Help with CVs and interview advice.
- iCould - icould gives you the inside story of how careers work. The icould storytellers relate their real-life career journeys. There are over a thousand easy to search, varied and unique career videos as well as hundreds of written articles.
- BBC Bitesize – Includes information on different pathways, A-Z job profiles, guidance on CV writing and job applications, and information on different careers sectors.
- – This website includes skill matching, careers advice and jobs and work experience sections. Choose your likely degree subjects (one at a time) and the website will give you ideas of graduate jobs you could consider and the skills you will develop.
- Amazing Apprenticeships - Explains what apprenticeships are, how they work, and the different types. It also provides resources for prospective apprentices and parents to help you understand everything you need to know to secure and succeed in an apprenticeship.
- National Careers Service | Support for SEN Students – Provides Education advice if you have special educational needs or a disability
- National Careers Service | T Levels – Explains what T-Levels are and includes student and employer testimonials to help you understand how the qualification/courses work.
- Next Steps Guide for Year 11 – Detailed information on post-16 courses and qualifications, along with contact details of sixth forms and colleges within and outside of Barking and Dagenham.
Labour Market Information (LMI)
LMI is extremely important when considering what job you want to do in the future. LMI is the name for facts and figures about jobs and employment.
You can use LMI Explorer to explore the different careers sectors and jobs available in the UK. It includes the summary of each job, the weekly pay by region, and the unemployment rate by region.
You can also use the Careerometer below. Click the dotted square. Type in any job you might be interested in and select from the drop-down list, then add your second choice to see the comparison, or select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected.
Work Experience
Volunteering and work experience aims to provide young people with an opportunity to expand their awareness of the world of work, develop valuable skills, and relate their studies to work and training. It can also make students stand out from the crowd on applications for courses, training and jobs.
Key Stage 4
At Eastbury, students in Year 10 undertake a one week work experience placement in the summer term. Students can choose to find their own placements or use Grofar, a work experience software, to select placements. More information on this can be found in the letter to parents. Step by step guidance on how students submit their placements can be found in the following links:
Key Stage 5
Year 12 students are encouraged to participate in work experience opportunities to further develop their skills outside of the classroom, and build their CV. In addition, they are also made aware of various work experience opportunities via email and through Padlet, which is the KS5 News Hub.
Useful links for KS4 and KS5 students
Here are some links where students can apply for volunteering and work experience opportunities:
- - Explore and apply for volunteering opportunities in your area.
- - If you are 15 to 17 and looking to get the most out of your summer, join the National Citizen Service for a great experience! Meet new people, make life-long friends and gain new skills for your CV.
- – Springpod offers free virtual work experience and degree taster programmes for school and college students
- The Prince's Trust - Work with top employers such as TK Maxx, ASOS, HSBC, Gap, DHL, Marks and Spencer, the NHS and many more businesses who are ready to hire fresh talent, while improving your CV and interview techniques.
Careers Gallery
Welcome to the careers gallery! Here you will find images of the different events, trips and workshops that take place during the year. ECS Careers Fair
Careers Fair - 2023