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Eastbury Community School

Secondary Head's Welcome


At Eastbury, we want every pupil to be happy and part of our success story. We also want all pupils to be healthy, feel safe and be extremely well educated. We therefore have high expectations and ambitions for every pupil. Our mission statement is 'Getting the best from and for all our learners' and this is fast becoming a reality.

In every community there is a need for certain rules, regulations and systems to ensure harmony and effective working. At Eastbury our rules are simple and benefit the school community as well as the individuals within it.

We want you to enjoy your time here at Eastbury and to thrive and excel. You are joining a strong, supportive and caring community which is often compared to a family. You will make friendships that will last a lifetime and take away memories that you will value over the years ahead.

School is part of your preparation for the future. Our number one aim is to ensure that you are ready for the challenges that lie ahead and properly equipped to make a success of your future life. We want you to be independent, have a good career and make a real and positive impact to your local, national and global community.

Every lesson counts at Eastbury and we expect you to arrive at school and every lesson on time, and be ready and fully equipped to learn. Your exam grades and your participation in school life will impact on the options open to you after school. All our pupils are given the opportunity to achieve the best possible grades so that they can progress to the university or college of their choice, or move successfully straight into the world of work through an apprenticeship. Just as important as exam grades are the skills, qualities and values which will turn these paper qualifications into success and help to promote happiness in later life.

Academic qualifications will open the next door, but they are no guarantee of success in themselves. It is the skills such as problem-solving, analysis, communication, persuasion, personal organisation and the ability to work with others that will drive success in the wider world. The important qualities of confidence, resilience, self-reliance, perseverance and openness to new ideas, together with a readiness to take the initiative, to innovate and to make things happen will enable you to stand out from the crowd and be the best.

The strong British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs are developed by all at Eastbury. We will not tolerate discrimination or bullying. Everybody has the right to learn and work in a safe and positive environment, free from fear and harassment.

I hope that you will consider your own faith and beliefs as a highly important part of your development. I want all pupils to become actively involved in our school community by becoming leaders, peer mediators, prefects or by joining the school council.  

You must always remember that you have a key role in your own success. To make the most of your time at Eastbury you must be ready to seize the many opportunities both in the classroom and in the many clubs we run. You must take responsibility for your own actions and learning. You must be ambitious and develop a clear sense of what you want to achieve and how you will contribute to society.

Finally, we want everybody to be the best they can be in everything they do. Always seek to improve on your personal best and listen, and act on the advice you will be given throughout your schooling.

As Head teacher, I am always ready to listen to the most important people in the school, our pupils. I will meet with you all formally in assemblies and with some of you as part of the school council. I welcome discussions with you as individuals as I walk around the school or in the canteen. I am keen to hear about your ambitions and how you think the school can be improved. My ambition is for Eastbury to become one of the best schools in the world, and together we can achieve this.