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Eastbury Community School

Student Leadership


Focus and Responsibilities

  • Discussion of rights-based issues
  • Weekly meetings
  • Development of awareness raising activities such as posters, assemblies and informing curriculum development

Activities and Achievements

  • Development of the ECS Active Bystander programme.
  • Created posters for display around the school.
  • Created and led assemblies and a podcast on what to do if you see bullying behaviours.
  • Informed the development of the PSHE curriculum and PSHE lessons

 Membership and recruitment

  • Students with an interest in promoting the Rights of a Child. Students from all year groups are welcome.
  • Students meet weekly to develop projects to raise awareness of the Rights of a Child and improve student well-being

Links to the United Nations Convention of Rights of a Child

Article 42 Children and adults should know about the Convention so that everyone understand the rights of a child.

iLead - John Maxwell

Focus and Responsibilities

  • Small group, peer-on-peer weekly discussions, around 16 leadership qualities, including; choices, growth, relationships, and self-discipline.

Activities and Achievements

  • Students are encouraged to build their confidence in finding their voices and expressing their opinions within the safety of the small group, whilst building relationships/friendships.
  • Y9 students who complete all the modules, are confidently facilitating the small groups.

Membership and recruitment

  • Year 7 students are selected.
  • Y9 students who have already completed the course, are helping facilitate by leading their own small groups

Links to the United Nations Convention of Rights of a Child

Article 6 Every child has the right to life…and develop to their full potential.

Mental Health Ambassadors

Focus and Responsibilities

  • Y12 students take part in a two week training programme which is run by Community Links.
  • Mentoring Year 7’s to support their transition. Year 9’s to support them with their transition into KS4 and picking options. In the summer term Year 6’s also have the opportunity to be mentored by the mental Health Ambassadors
  • Students meet with their mentees on a week-to-week basis.
  • The sessions are overlooked by a lead from the Community Links Charity.

Activities and Achievements

  • Students have a safe space to speak to an older student who has been through the school system.
  • Students in year 12 are positive role models for younger students.
  • The programme links different phases of the school running 3-19.
  • Provides a supervised and friendly session for students to discuss issues that they may not discuss with staff.

Membership and recruitment

  • Students in Year 12 with an interest in mental health have an opportunity to sign up and then are selected by the sixth form team to be part of the programme and receive training and supervision. 

Links to the United Nations Convention of Rights of a Child

Article 13 Children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think and feel, …unless it harms other people.

Peer Mediators

Focus and Responsibilities

  • Mentoring during tutor time with younger year groups
  • Conflict prevention
  • Low level conflict resolution through peer mediation session during time in Internal Exclusion and following a referral
  • Assistance with school tours during open evening
  • Assistance with school tours during staff interviews or external visitors

Activities and Achievements

  • Contributing to a calmer, more respectful school environment
  • A friendly face/space for those that need further support
  • A support system for new year 7 pupils to get to know older leadership pupils
  • Positive role models, upholding expectations for uniform and behaviour
  • Developing the skills to resolve low level

Membership and recruitment

  • Recruitment starts with year 8, toward the end of the academic year, during an assembly.
  • Pupils who are interested complete an application form and submit before a set deadline
  • All pupils who apply are interviewed and scored based on their answers for the application form and interview with staff/sixth form student
  • 30 successful candidates are trained before the summer holidays and start their duties in Sept
  • Each year group has 30 Peer Mediators

Links to the United Nations Convention of Rights of a Child

Article 13 Children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think and feel, …unless it harms other people.


Focus and Responsibilities

  • Duties around the school to maintain respectful relationships
  • Offer a support system and to encourage positive behaviour and create a safe playground/breaktime environment.
  • Tour guides on Open Evenings
  • Registration on Parents Evenings.
  • Assist with school visitors.
  • Head Girl/Head Boy appointed.

Activities and Achievements

  • Parents/carers often remark on the professionalism of the prefects during Parents Evening.
  • Represented the school successfully on a number of occasions involving visitors.
  • Support and encouragement of year 6s during open evenings and transition arrangements
  • Being present and proactive, supporting staff and students around school
  • Positive role models for younger years

Membership and recruitment

  • Students are invited to apply towards the end of year 10.
  • Information sent to form tutors as well as announced in assembly.
  • Students are given an application form to fill out.
  • Outstanding candidates are invited to interview. Interviews carried out by Mr Robinson, Ms Mahmood and members of SLT.
  • Feedback is then issued on the interview individually before an announcement of 30-40 successful candidates. There is a a reserve list.

Links to the United Nations Convention of Rights of a Child

Article 28 Every child has the right to an education….Children should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level possible. Discipline in schools should respect children’s rights.

Race and Social Justice

Focus and Responsibilities 

  • All students across Yr7-11 invited to be part of the group 
  • Fortnightly meetings during first break on Fridays 
  • Last year witnessed a huge growth from a consistent 6 students to 36!  
  • This year we hope to nominate a chair, arts lead and research lead 

Activities and Achievements  

  • Huge successes with delivering assemblies both virtual and face to face (MLK 2020, Culture Fest 2022 and 2023) 
  • Created The Voice Magazine with CMC which was available for all to see in the Borough (2021) 
  • Other successes can be viewed on the timeline: 

Membership and recruitment 

  • Equalities Months highlighted in the meetings and ways we can address this e.g. Pride Month, International Women’s Month etc 
  • Meetings are flexible, giving time to students who would like to discuss important matters 
  • When opportunities arise (such as competitions, assemblies or school visitors), students are informed and given the chance to offer their ideas on delivery 
  • Intend to award them with more trips 

Links to the United Nations Convention of Rights of a Child 

Science Ambassadors

Focus and Responsibilities 

  • Main focus is to promote science education to the primary cohort and maintain links between secondary and primary 
  • Attend planning and preparation meetings weekly 
  • Play an active role within the science department – helping out on open events, science week, science fairs etc... 
  • Participate in development of strategies or initiatives suggested by students in agreement with other student leaders around the school 

Activities and Achievements 

  • Delivered practical science lessons to groups of students from the primary once every half term 
  • Students have developed their communication, organisation and presentation skills and boosted their confidence within science  
  • Helping to ensure smooth transition between primary and secondary for year 6 pupils – they often recognise the leads and/or pupils involved which can act as a support mechanism 

Membership and recruitment 

  • 10-12 high achieving year 8 students are chosen for this role however it is open to anyone who can demonstrate a keen interest in promoting scientific values and being a role model in science to others. 

 Links to the United Nations Convention of Rights of a Child 


Sports Leadership

  • Sports leaders are expected to help the PE teacher with the lesson, setting up equipment, helping lead a session
  • Help to run in house tournaments
  • Invited to other schools to help run their tournament
  • Invited by London Youth Games to help officiate their games
  • Gain additional sports/coaching qualifications

Focus and Responsibilities

  • Gain life skills such as confidence, communication, organisation and problem-solving skills
  • Gain an insight and work experience in the world of sports (job opportunities)
  • Opportunity to represent the school outside of the school
  • Get to experience sports they might not have tried in school – Boccia, New Age Kurling

Links to the United Nations Convention of Rights of a Child

Article 24 Children have the right to the best health care. All adults and children should have information about how to stay safe and healthy