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Eastbury Community School

Travel Plan

Eastbury Community School Map

Our school is a healthy school which supports its pupils to become independent, capable members of the community with the skills to constructively participate and make a positive contribution to the place where we live.

Walking and cycling:

  • keeps us fit and healthy
  • helps our pupils develop road safety skills which will keep them safe as they travel further afield and more independently
  • helps keep our local air clean, and our streets free from congestion
  • is a life skill that everyone should be able to benefit from.

What we do:

  • We promote safe and active travel as much as possible by using our noticeboard, displays, newsletter and website
  • We encourage all members of our school community to walk, cycle or travel by public transport for the journey to school
  • Where a car must be used we ask parents to drive only part of the way, and then walk to the primary entrance with their children
  • We ask everyone who travels by bus to consider whether they could actually walk instead, and if they can’t walk all the way to get off the bus at least two stops early and walk the last part of the journey
  • All local school trips are made by public transport where possible, or on foot if the destination is close by o We let all new pupils and their parents/carers know that we are an active travel school before the child starts at our school
  • We ask families driving to school and parking or stopping and dropping in the near vicinity to do so legally, safely and with respect for our neighbours and local residents.

It is not acceptable to park or wait on double yellow lines, on the school zigzags or across residential driveways for any length of time. Please note parking is not permitted at any time outside of the school gates.

If you drive your child/ren to school, you should park your car and walk the last 5 minutes of the journey from the entrance of the school. Driving up and parking near to the school gates is illegal and dangerous.